Navigating around a Room

Page 27 of 32

Command button functions

The following are examples of typical command bar buttons you will find in a Room.

create buttonThe create button opens the create screen so that you can pick the type of item you want to create, for example a note or database. (This is not normally shown on the homepage but will be available on other pages in the Room).

add file buttonThe add file button opens the add file screen so that you can add a file to the Room.

mark read buttonThe mark read button removes the unread mark (red triangle) from either the selected item, or, if nothing is selected, it removes the unread mark from all items.

commands buttonThe commands button displays items in a detailed list with check boxes.

large icons buttonThe large icons button allows members to view items as large icons.

list icons buttonThe list icons button allows members to view items as a list.

detailed list buttonThe detailed list icon allows members to view items in a detailed list with a checkbox.