Navigating around a Room

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Tool button functions

Below is a brief description of each tool button function. The use of the tool buttons is demonstrated in other sections of this learning.

logout iconlogs you out of the Shared Workspace service.

unread iconUnread icon only appears when you have unread items in the Room. Selecting this icon opens the next unread item.

intercom iconIntercom icon allows you to have a live chat with other members of the Room who are logged into the Room, or alert them of your presence.

alert iconAlert icon sends an email alert message to other members. Also known as the paper aeroplane.

help iconHelp icon at the top of the page opens the online help for Shared Workspace. You will also see this icon at the bottom of some screens. The link alongside it will open the context sensitive help for the relevant action.

member iconMember icon lets you know who is currently in the Room. Pointing your mouse cursor over this icon displays a list of members currently logged into the Room.