
The minimum wage a worker should get depends on their age and if they’re an apprentice.

The National Minimum Wage is the minimum pay per hour almost all workers are entitled to. The National Living Wage is higher than the National Minimum Wage - workers get it if they’re 21 and over.

It does not matter how small an employer is, they still have to pay the correct minimum wage.

Calculate the minimum wage

Use the minimum wage calculators to check if the correct minimum wage has been paid.

There are separate calculators for workers and employers.

Use the calculator for workers to check if you’re getting the correct minimum wage or if an employer owes you payment from the previous year.

Use the calculator for employers to check if you’re paying the correct minimum wage or if you owe a payment from the previous year.

There is also guidance on working out the minimum wage for different types of work.

Call the Acas helpline for advice about the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage.

  1. Step 1

  2. and

  3. Step 2

  4. Step 3

    You need to register with HMRC so you can pay tax and national insurance for your employees.

    1. Register as an employer and set up PAYE
    2. Choose how to run payroll
    3. If you decide to run payroll yourself, choose payroll software
  5. Step 4

  6. Step 5

  7. Step 6