HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) recommend that you pay electronically by:
If you want to pay by post, you should only use this payment slip if you do not have a pre-printed payslip from HMRC.
You cannot use this payslip to make your payment at a bank by bank giro or the Post Office.
More information about paying Self Assessment
Fill in the boxes below then click the 'Create printable payment slip' button.
Your payment slip will appear at the bottom of the page.
Print off the completed form and send it with your cheque payment.
Make your cheque payable to 'HM Revenue and Customs only' followed by your Self Assessment reference number, also know as a Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR).
If you are new to Self Assessment and don't have a UTR give your National Insurance number instead.
If you are an authorised agent please give your client's UTR or National Insurance number.
If you do not have a return envelope please send your cheque to:
This payment slip cannot be used to make payment at a Bank or Post Office.
You must fill in all the boxes marked with an * (asterisk).
Customer Name: 
Contact Phone Number: 
SA reference number:  K
National Insurance number: 
Payment due on or before:    
Amount:  £
Please make your cheque payable to 'HM Revenue & Customs only' followed by your SA reference number.
Send this form and your cheque to:
This payment slip cannot be used to make payment at a Bank or Post Office.